[Ponte Alto] recruiting for music!!

Barbara barb at ravenstreet.org
Thu Jan 15 18:42:51 PST 2004


I'm writing to do some recruiting for both "Harp and Drum" and "Alle


Harp and Drum is our local instrumental music group.  The group has had
people who play recorders, lute, viol, vielle, harp, crumhorns, and ..well,
lots more.   We practice every Tuesday night at Master Corun's home.  We
have a lot of fun practicing together, and we've typically performed as a
dance band at SCA events, provided performances and processions for courts,
and "dinner music" at feasts.  We've even done some pretty spectacular demos
over the years.   Our membership keeps changing as people move into and out
of the area.  But after more than a decade of playing together, we've
recently been diminishing a bit in size due to some "life" happening with a
few of our members.  We'd love to get some new members in with us!  If you
play an instrument and would like to join us, please know that you would be
welcome.  If you don't play "great".don't worry: we can help and we won't be
offended by people who are learning and trying!  While I can't commit the
time right now to giving lessons, I'm nonetheless willing to set some time
aside to do some private coaching, if you need it.


We're also looking for more singers for Alle Psallite.  This is our vocal
group, which meets every Monday night at my home.  We have a small line up
of songs that we hope to perform prior to court at the Ponte Alto
investiture, and some of this should prove very amusing.   If you sing,
please consider joining in with the group.  Even if you are more interested
in doing "bardic" music, remember that singing with a group can be great
training for both your ear and ability to read music, and the vocal
exercises we do have already proven to start widening your vocal range.


So.come make music with us!





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