[Ponte Alto] Stenwood Elementary Demo

Jeff Williams geoffreyapclywd at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 23 09:07:25 PST 2004

My table top treb. is at your disposal.  Unfortunately I do not think I can get off work to be there.  When the boss is back I will try and find out.

egeorges <egeorges at cox.net> wrote: 
Greetings fair Pontoons

Yes, I've been sending a lot of emails today....

It's that time of year again, the Stenwood Elementary Demo is coming April
1st. (And no, this is not a joke!) As many of you know, this elementary
school demo coincides with their Medieval Festival. THey are hoping to have
the demo aroun 12:30 or 1 p.m.

Typically, we like to include a fighting demonstration at this demo. Given
the new Kingdom rules concerning fighting at demos, this requires that both
the fighters be authorized, and that a marshal be present to regulate the
combat. Is there anyone willing to serve as a fighting marshall, and are
there any gentles who are authorized fighters who are willing to fight?

In addition, given our recent tabletop siege engine competition, are there
any siege engineers out there willing to demo thier pint-sized creations?
As always, we could always also use some A&S items and a few gentles who are
willing to play "Vanna" and show off the items.

Interested gentles should contact me ASAP.

In Service,
Luce Antony Venus
(mka Liz Emrich)

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Geoffrey Ap Clywd 
Rapier Marshal
Barony of Ponte Alto
Academie d'Espee
Kingdom of Atlantia
House Fallen From Grace

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