[Ponte Alto] ISO Duncan

l e storey lestorey at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 30 15:34:12 PDT 2004

Greeting Maria Theresa-- 

I'd like to know more about the position, in particular what I believe
is "required attendance" at a couple of events -- Unevent (which is on
the schedule online as Dec 4) and Curia (which I couldn't find on the

Would you please describe more about the role? the expectations?
activities?  For example, would I be expected to implement planned
activities? or to come up with things to do?  What is/are the age
group(s) that are targetted?  Is this "glorified babysitting," where
there would be an expectation of watching the children in that
capacity, or is this more to engage them in a period and/or learning
activity, with their parents supporting the effort & on hand to help
manage the group?

Also, would you please provide more information about the required
events, as I would need to check my calendar and see if I'll be in town
and also consider whether the locations would work for me.  I'm
guessing that both are reasonably local events? hosted by Ponte Alto

Looking forward to hearing from you.

-Siobhan (mka Laura Storey)

--- Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings Ponte Alto,
> A reminder tht we are currently looking for Minister of Minors to
> take the place of Marselli Johnson of Lockwood Moss, when she steps
> down in November.  
> The job requires 4 quaterly reports, any event reports that might be
> generated by the use of said Minister of Minors, attendants at
> Unevent and Curia or at least a designated representative and or some
> list interaction with Kingdom superiors. Its a good job for new
> people to get to know your Barony and the Kindmon political system. 
> We don't bite so there is very little stress involved in the office.
> Look forward to hearing from any interested parties.
> YIS,
> Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
> Seneschal, Ponte Alto
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