[Ponte Alto] Fighter Breakfast...

Marlin Pierce marlin_pierce_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 4 08:58:56 PDT 2004

Greetings Unto the Populace of Ponte Alto,
The plans for the fighter breakfast are starting to firm up, and I just wanted
everyone to know that the day is going to be Monday of War week at the ungodly
vacation time of 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m., or until the food runs out.  At that
time I will have available the rules of the list if you have not read them by
then, read them while you eat.
Thanks to everyone who's contacted me and volunteered to help with the
breakfast. I appreciate your willingness in getting up before noon to support
the Barony and the troops,  and hopefully we Pontoons will be inspired by your
support to do our best to bring home honor and glory in appreciation of your
efforts. :)

(Actually from...)
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Deputy Northern Regional Warlord
Acting Seneschal of Ponte Alto [congratulations Miles ;) ]
Ponte Alto's Heavy Weapon Champion
Amusing Fighter Chic

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