[Ponte Alto] FW: [Seneschal] Unevent

Miles de Locwode milesdelocwode at cox.net
Sun Sep 28 12:55:18 PDT 2003

Greeting All,

  Attached is information for Unevent.  All officers are expected to attend
or appoint a proxy.  Officer, please let me know if you are unable to attend
and who your proxy will be.  Also, TRM are holding Curia at this event.


-----Original Message-----
From: seneschal-l-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:seneschal-l-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Ann
Shelton/Anne le Coeur
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 4:20 PM
To: seneschal-l at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Seneschal] Unevent

Greetings unto the Seneschals of Atlantia,

I wanted to let you know that plans for Unevent have been finalized.  At
this time I am happy to announce that the Shire of Hindscroft will be
hosting Unevent  the first weekend in December with Mistress Ceridwen as
autocrat.  Additional information will be forthcoming in the November Acorn
and via the Merry Rose and this list but I have attached the room schedule
so that you can share it on your elists and at your meetings.  I know that
our members and officers like to make plans.  I apologize in advance to
those who will have to choose one meeting over another or find proxies for
additional meetings.  Conflict between this meeting or another is inherent
in formatting so many meetings into such a short time span.

I consider Unevent attendance to be of extreme importance.  Therefore, if
you will not be able to attend Unevent I look forward to hearing who will
be attending as your proxy.  Representation is even more important as Their
Majesties will be holding Curia at this event.

I would like to thank the Barony of Bright Hills and the Shire of Isenfir
for their hard work in working up bids for Unevent.  We are also in the
process of examining bids for 12 Night and hope to have an announcement
early next week as to where it will be.


Dame Anne le Coeur, OP
Seneschal, Atlantia
Ann Shelton
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org

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