[Ponte Alto] armor strapping

Kevin Maxson Kevin at Maxson.com
Sun Sep 28 09:21:05 PDT 2003

---- Original message ----
>that if you wear vambraces and cuisses you should be
riveting the cops to 
>those. The vambraces then strap to the spaulders while the
cuisses strap to 
>the pauldrons

Well, you don't want to rivet cops to vambraces or
rerebraces with articulation.  Not my favorite method anyway.

Oh, and Corun... I don't generally attach my cuisses to my
pauldrons because I can't fight with my thighs and shoulders
connected.  ;-)

Personally, I wear just plain elbow cops with wide straps
and a thick gambeson/elbow pad.  For knee cops, those should
definitely articulated onto cuisses (thigh protection) and
they won't slide anywhere.

Thigh armor isn't required by Society minimums but TRUST ME,
you don't want to fight without it.
^  +   Kevin of Thornbury, OP
^ +++  (Kevin Maxson)
^  |   Kevin at Maxson.com

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