[Ponte Alto] Chalice of the Sun God -- Status Update

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Wed Sep 17 07:01:08 PDT 2003

Greetings Ponte Alto!

Just wanted to give you an update on where we stand with that storm moving

Prince William Forest Park is closing as of 2 p.m. today to ride out the
storm.  The National Weather Service is predicting 6-10 inches, and
sustained winds of 110 mph.  According to the newscast graphics, it will
pass through our area (Northern Virginia) Friday morning.

I am currently in contact via cell with the PWFP cabin camp manager.  I plan
on talking with her Thursday afternoon to get some idea of when the park
will re-open.  Even though the storm will be gone by Saturday, if the park
is damaged, it will remain closed.  Given the way things are going, there is
a chance that we may not be able to open the event on Friday, but will be
able to have the Saturday activities.  There is still a chance we will have
to cancel entirely.  We are not out of the woods yet, here.

Please watch this space, and the Merry Rose, for updates.  I will also try
to get the webministers for the Baronial and Kingdom pages to help me get
the word out should the worst happen and the event is cancelled.

We have about 20 people so far who pre-registered for cabins.  I do not know
if any of them were planning on staying on site Friday night.  If we don't
open the site until Saturday, some of those individuals may need crash
space.  Please let me know if you are willing to provide it.  And keep those
prayers coming......

In Service,
Luce Antony Venus
Autocrat, Chalice of the Sun God

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