[Ponte Alto] Rapier at Holiday Faire

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 12 20:06:36 PST 2003

Rapier at Holiday Faire

‘Twas the tourney before Christmas, and all ‘cross the
field came rapier fighters with weapons to wield. 
Their consorts were dressed in clothing most fair,
carrying daggers to toss through the air…

Come join us at Stierbach’s Holiday Faire!  There will
be fighting and intrigue, wheeling and dealing.  The
format for rapier will be a Consort Tourney.  Fighters
and their consorts will challenge each other before
each bout (there will be a prize for Most Interesting
Challenge, so sharpen that rapier wit!).  Each consort
will be given one beanbag dagger to help out his or
her fencer from the sidelines, and enough chocolate to
purchase one more dagger from our trusty Merchants at
the Slightly Used Dagger Emporium.  Our Merchant is
having a fire sale - everything must go!  Hummmm . . .
only two daggers you say?  Worry not!  Our merchants
can be . . . persuaded . . . to hand out more daggers
to consorts.  Chocolate, services, flowers, or even a
sob story will do.  Hey, you can even try . . .
convincing . . . someone else’s consort to give you
another dagger.  Let the fun and mayhem ensue!

(For any questions regarding this tourney, contact
Belphoebe de Givet -- belfebe at yahoo.com)

-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
House Fallen From Grace: http://ffg.freeshell.org
Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org

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