[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto web site and defeating spammers

Lady Courtney de Hoghton caerdubh at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 10 06:43:58 PST 2003

Greetings to the fine folks of Ponte Alto,

Due to the increasing and unfortunate prevalence of
spam robots, I have been making changes to some of the
e-mail addresses on the website (at the owner's
request).  In hopes of minimizing the unnecessary
spam, instead of including a link to a person's e-mail
address, I am spelling out the address.  For example:
pontealto at yahoo.com becomes pontealto AT yahoo.com.

I have made this changes for others in the past, and
would be happy to do so for anyone who is currently
mentioned on the Ponte Alto website.  Please send me
an e-mail with your request.

Additionally, I would like to ask everyone to look at
the site and make sure all of the information is
current and correct.

Many Thanks!

Lady Courtney de Hoghton

Courtney de Hoghton

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