[Ponte Alto] FW: [Branchseneschals] FWD: Problem in the East Kingdom

Miles de Locwode milesdelocwode at cox.net
Fri Nov 7 13:43:49 PST 2003

To All,

  Please read and follow the below email from Corporate.

Thank You,

-----Original Message-----
From: branchseneschals-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:branchseneschals-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of
annshelton annshelton
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 3:21 PM
To: branchseneschals at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Branchseneschals] FWD: Problem in the East Kingdom

Hi everyone,

This is straight from the top that we at the local level should not be
providing commentary for the press.  If by any chance, any of you have,
please send me details by private email to the seneschal at atlantia.sca.org



---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: MDaphne at aol.com
Date:  Fri, 7 Nov 2003 15:05:54 EST

Good Seneschals,

As many of you may or may not have heard, the East Kingdom has had an
individual arrested on multiple charges of sex abuse. This story is getting
press attention and many of our fine officers are being contacted for
statements and/or information. Both from within and without our
organization. Please
remind your officers that only the Corporate level of the SCA can issue
statements representing the SCA in matters of this nature. Please also let
officers know, in particular the Children's officers, to not start any sort
"investigation" on their own with children in their local SCA groups. That
is not
what their offices are responsible for. Please refer any calls from the
to Meg Baron, the President of the SCA, Inc.

At this time, the Board is working on releasing a statement of some sort. Do
your best to keep cool heads out there and let me or the Board know how we

Toni Adkins-Riepl
VP for OPs, SCA, Inc.

AKA Daphne of Colchester
        Society Seneschal

Anne le Coeur, OP
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia

seneschal at atlantia.sca.org

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