[Ponte Alto] Question

Susan Reed nachtanz at patriot.net
Thu Mar 27 06:14:22 PST 2003

on 3/25/03 4:42 PM, Sarah Maybrier at maybrier at gkbaum.com wrote:

> Do you have information on the origin of the "Ladies Sewing Circle and
> Terrorist Society?"  I had a t-shirt with their logo from back in the
> '70s and can't remember anything else about it.

This brings back such memories -- Dame Aislynn's description is pretty much
what I remember (but, Kate, you forgot the games of "Suburban Slasher" :-).

What became the Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society in Atlantia was
founded by (now) Mistress Elaina de Sinistre (mka Mary Morman) around 1981
or so. The sewing group was named from a T-shirt produced by a feminist
group located in Washington state; so if you had a t-shirt from the 70s, it
was most likely was produced by them and not by us (theirs had a circular
image with a rose in the center surrounded by type; we used Medieval images
and lettering on ours). That west coast group may have also produced
stickers as well. So, the name does not originate with the SCA.

After Elaina decided she could no longer host LSCTS, meetings moved to my
home and stayed there for about 13 years. During that time, LSCTS became
merchants at Pennsic and sold headdress and t-shirts with various
costuming-related sayings.

As for the infamous Chainsaw; he could be very sweet to Niall and me, but he
barely tolerated anyone else and only on his own terms. We did warn visitors
who came to our house that playing with him was at their own risk.

Dame Teleri Talgellawg (Susan Reed)
Master Niall McKennett (Ken Reed)
Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia
nachtanz at patriot.net  ---  AFPOPA

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