[Ponte Alto] Baronial Awards Reminder

Gary R. Halstead ghalstead at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 22 04:55:07 PST 2003

Just to remind everyone, the due date for proposed names for the new
Baronial awards is the 23rd of this month.  To date, I've received the
following suggestions:

Look OK to me:

         Order of the gold fleur de lis
         Ordre of un pont sur

         The Courageous Bridge
         Golden Destrier of Ponte Alto
         Pont du Fer
         The Crafty Bridge
         Award of the Archway
         Golden Astrolabe of Ponte Alto
         Pont d'Argent
         The Stalwart Bridge
         Golden Cistern of Ponte Alto
         Pont d'Or
         Estoille d'Or

Appear to Conflict:

         Keystone (Aethelmearc's service order)
         Ordre of coeur de lion (Richard I's nickname)
         Award of the Tower (Canton of the Towers as well as several
baronial orders)
         Sable Keep (registered to the Barony of South Downs)
         Ars et Scientia


Ranulf of Waterford
mka Gary R. Halstead

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