[Ponte Alto] Coronation Newcomer activities

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Tue Aug 19 12:21:09 PDT 2003

Greetings unto the hospitable populace of Ponte Alto!

For Coronation, we are planning a repeat of the "Newcomer's Progress" we did
at Lady and the Tyger.  From 11:00 - 2:00, we'll be escorting newcomers
around, introducing them to various people, so that the newcomers can get to
know a few familiar faces, and hopefully find people they can talk about
their SCA interests with.  The goal is that by the end of the Progress,
newcomers can feel like they know a few familiar faces, and maybe connect
with someone who is doing the thing they are wanting to get involved in.

As with the Progress we did last time, volunteers are not expected to do
anything other than be available for a specific half-hour to host newcomers
wherever they happen to be.  Yes, that's right, you can sit under the
comfort of your own day shade, watch the tourney, and STILL help out your
barony!  The shifts on the Progress are going to be pre-designated
half-hours, so you can still meet whatever other committments during the
day, and still help out with the Progress.

Shift times are 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00, 12:00-12:30, 12:30-1:00,
1:00-1:30.  Please contact me at scalucia at cox.net if you are interested in
helping out with the Newcomer's Progress at Coronation.  Please help us out.
It's a great way to share the SCA with new folks.  They really appreciate
it, and it only takes a little bit of time during the day.

In Service,

Luce Antony Venus
Chatelaine, Ponte Alto

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