[Ponte Alto] Last minute call for demo volunteers!
Ryan Snead
rwsnead at comcast.net
Thu Sep 19 17:26:10 PDT 2002
That would be excellent! Thank-you!! Thank-you!! Thank-you!! :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott & Michelle McDaniel [SMTP:dumbek at erols.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 6:42 PM
To: 'ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org'
Subject: RE: [Ponte Alto] Last minute call for demo volunteers!
Count at least three more in for your demo. My husband, daughter, and I are
planning on going. We will be there in the middle of the day, I can bring
drop spinning and tablet weaving. I'll get my husband to bring nine men
morris and if you don't mind, he may bring a dumbek. (He's taught several
classes at Pennsic and University and is a big proponent of polite
drumming.) My daughter will bring herself and enthusiasm, as she is 3.
See you this weekend!
**aelfwynn of whitby**
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Snead [SMTP:rwsnead at comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:09 AM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Last minute call for demo volunteers!
Unto the people of Ponte Alto does Kyrios Iustinos Ancyrenos send urgent
My lords and ladies, I come to you in the final hours before a demo in
humility to ask a boon of our neighbors in the Barony of Ponte Alto. The
incipient canton of Sudentur (Fredericksburg, VA) will be holding a
major demo in downtown Fredericksburg this Saturday at the 11th annual
Great Rappahanock Duck Race. We are told this event is regularly
attended by ~1000 people (i.e. modern folk), and this is the first year
the SCA has been invited to demo at the event.
As many of you are aware, the Barony of Stierbach is currently embroiled
in a happy war with the Barony of Windmasters' Hill, for which our noble
barony will be taking the War to Windmasters' home field on Saturday.
Also, the Barony of Lochmere shall be holding an event this weekend.
These two events have put a serious drain on our resources for
accomplishing this demo.
At last night's business meeting, we learned that our dance instructor,
Lady Rowen ferch Rhys, will be unable to attend the event. She had a
bone marrow test yesterday as part of her ongoing cancer treatment and
is having difficulty recovering. We will have a number of somewhat
experienced dancers at the ready for the event to help with crowd
control, ect., but we lack music and an instructor to provide direction.
As dance was going to be one of the main participatory activities we had
planned for demo attendees, our demo coordinator is understandably a bit
flustered by our predicament. We have put out a plea for dancers (and
instruction) to Lord Brian Morgan of Isenfir and Lord Evard Gayer of Dun
Carraig, but any help that may be obtained from the noble barony of
Ponte Alto would be greatly appreciated.
Our canton's fighting force is yet small as well. At present, we have
confirmed two heavy fighters and one rapier fighter (me) among our
number for this demo. For the moment, this pits Lord Gideon and me
against each other at the barrier until our spears become splinters. :-)
We have no wish to deplete the fighting force taking war to the
Windmasters'; neither do we wish to hamper the festivities of Lochmere's
Erntefest. If you look forward to attending one of these events this
weekend, please do so! But if your time is as yet uncommitted, or if our
call for aid sways you more than their call to arms, please consider
joining us on Saturday. RSVP to me and/or Lady Cairistiona (see address
Attached below in text and Word format, the information about our demo
from our coordinator, Cairistiona de Coveran.
Ever faithful to the Dream do I remain,
Kyrios Iustinos
Greetings Sudentur,
Sending this out to everyone so you will have info, directions, time,
and you can forward this to all your friends, people who owe you favors,
and anyone else you can think of to invite to help with this demo.
Have it listed two ways.....scroll down to read, or open the attachment.
Cairistiona // Laurie
The Incipient Canton of Sudentur Demo, Saturday, September 21, 2002.
The Stafford Rotary Foundation has invited the Incipient Canton of
Sudentur to be part of its 11th Annual Great Rappahannock River Duck
Race at the Old Mill Park in Historic Fredericksburg, VA, Saturday,
September 21, 2002 from 10 AM to 5 PM. This annual fundraiser supports
a variety of charities in the local area, such as Child Abuse Prevention
Programs and assorted scholarships for high school students.
We have the opportunity to hold a sizeable demo at this incredibly
well-attended and well-advertised event from 12 noon to 4 PM. (They
drop the ducks in the river around 4 PM). Unfortunately, the duck race
is the same day as the second half of the War between Windmasters' Hill
and our parent Barony of Stierbach, being held at Celtic Cattle Raids in
the Canton of Nimenefeld. As many of the members of our parent Barony
will be down south and cannot aid us, we are putting out a desperate and
heartfelt plea to all persons who can come and support our young Canton
in this wonderful opportunity.
We need heavy and rapier fighters and marshals, especially those willing
to show off their armor and weapons to the crowd. We have plenty of
room for A&S displays, both static and active, to include metal-,
leather- and woodworking, heraldic displays, garb, calligraphy and
illumination, weaving, spinning, and embroidery-the list goes on and on!
We have a space specifically set aside for dancing, so willing dancers
are a must, and musicians and other performers are even better. We will
have a gaming area where we will be teaching Nine Man Morris, and can
use a few more volunteers familiar with the game. And finally, we
always need people to come down, look spiffy, and be nice to the great
folk here in Fredericksburg.
If you've ever been to a Sudentur demo before, you know that we don't do
anything small. If you've never been, you should come and experience
the madness! We need help setting up/taking down tents, day shades,
tables and list fences, and will gladly reward you with a sumptuous
noontime repast if you can come in the morning to help set up.
Parking is available onsite!
Directions to the Demo:
More information about the Ponte-Alto
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