[Ponte Alto] Il-tempo

Kim Jordan kmj1 at cornell.edu
Tue Sep 3 19:49:29 PDT 2002

As I recall from the Baronial Business meeting, according to SCA policy,
the articles of individual contributors cannot be posted on the Internet,
due to copyright issues.  This is why it was not posted to a web site, but
mass e-mailed to the "subscribers" (the Barony of Ponte Alto,
ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org).  

Of course, since the archives of the Ponte Alto list are available on line,
by sending the Il-tempo to the list, it is also being posted on the
Internet (albeit in an icky mime-attachment-displayed-as-text format).  

If I might make a suggestion, perhaps we could setup a separate email list
for those interested in "subscribing" to the il-tempo.  That way the Ponte
Alto list isn't bogged down with PDF attachments, and those who can handle
the attachments can subscribe to the separate list, knowing exactly what
they've signed up for.  When a new Il tempo is ready, perhaps a text-only
email can be sent to the Ponte Alto list as a reminder, while the full
attachment is sent to the il-tempo list.

Just my two pence.  

Cassandra Arabella Giordano/Kim Jordan

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Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org

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