[Ponte Alto] Congrats to Lady Katharine and Lady Hrosvitha

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 7 15:23:52 PST 2002

Another Fine Product of Ponte Alto!



--- DCADENISE at aol.com wrote:
> Congrats to our Barony's A&S Winners at Crown
> Tourney.  Lady Katharine 
> Devereaux (our baronial deputy exchequer) for
> winning Best Female Garb.  She 
> won with her documentation and display of her hand
> sewn gold Tudor gown and 
> underdress.  And Lady Hrosvitha von Celle for
> placing second in the cooking 
> competition.  She had an exquisite basket containing
> what looked like apples. 
> But they were actually made from almonds and
> currants.  His Excellency almost 
> helped himself to an "apple" for they really did
> look like real apples.  
> Vivats Ladies!

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