[Ponte Alto] Congrats to Lady Katharine and Lady Hrosvitha

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Thu Nov 7 15:07:10 PST 2002

Congrats to our Barony's A&S Winners at Crown Tourney.  Lady Katharine 
Devereaux (our baronial deputy exchequer) for winning Best Female Garb.  She 
won with her documentation and display of her hand sewn gold Tudor gown and 
underdress.  And Lady Hrosvitha von Celle for placing second in the cooking 
competition.  She had an exquisite basket containing what looked like apples. 
But they were actually made from almonds and currants.  His Excellency almost 
helped himself to an "apple" for they really did look like real apples.  

Vivats Ladies!
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