[Ponte Alto] Baronial Picnic June 2nd
agnes daunce
agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Thu May 23 09:57:37 PDT 2002
Greetings your Excellencies!
I will bring cheese and fruit. I also have to half folding
tables, which I will bring.
Your faithful servent,
Agnes Daunce
--- DCADENISE at aol.com wrote:
> Fair greetings and fair weather to all the citizens of Ponte
> Alto...
> Let us take advantage of the Sun's soft face and the gentle
> breath of the
> Wind. If both permit, we would invite you all to join us at a
> baronial
> picnic on Sunday, June 2nd during Sunday's fighter practice.
> Bring out your picnic baskets and blankets to pass time in
> pleasant pursuits
> with goodly friends. I will bring some meat and bread and
> drink, but if
> anyone could bring extra picnic fare for all to share, your
> generous heart
> would be greatly admired.
> This practice at Tyson Pimmett Park does boast both rapier and
> heavy martial
> arts. Celebrated nobles Duke Timothy of Arindale from the East
> Kingdom and
> Atlantia legends Syr Stryker, Count Knarlic and Sir Grethferth
> did make
> their intent known to attend. For those of the peaceful arts,
> please bring
> your looms, scrolls or Pennsic gift basket projects.
> Directions to Tyson Pimmett Park, Falls Church, VA: Take your
> best route to
> I-495. Get off at the exit for Route 7 East (Falls Church).
> The library is
> on the left about 1 mile. Park in the library lot and go down
> the hill to
> the park.
> Yours in Service,
> Thomas and Denise
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