[Ponte Alto] Baronial Picnic June 2nd

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Mon May 20 13:23:25 PDT 2002

Fair greetings and fair weather to all the citizens of Ponte Alto...

Let us take advantage of the Sun's soft face and the gentle breath of the
Wind. If both permit, we would invite you all to join us at a baronial
picnic on Sunday, June 2nd during Sunday's fighter practice. 
Bring out your picnic baskets and blankets to pass time in pleasant pursuits
with goodly friends. I will bring some meat and bread and drink, but if
anyone could bring extra picnic fare for all to share, your generous heart
would be greatly admired. 
This practice at Tyson Pimmett Park does boast both rapier and heavy martial
arts. Celebrated nobles Duke Timothy of Arindale from the East Kingdom and
Atlantia legends Syr Stryker, Count Knarlic and Sir Grethferth did make
their intent known to attend. For those of the peaceful arts, please bring
your looms, scrolls or Pennsic gift basket projects. 
Directions to Tyson Pimmett Park, Falls Church, VA: Take your best route to
I-495. Get off at the exit for Route 7 East (Falls Church). The library is
on the left about 1 mile. Park in the library lot and go down the hill to
the park.
Yours in Service,
Thomas and Denise

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