[Ponte Alto] Monthly Greetings from Thomas and Denise

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Sun Jul 28 19:07:45 PDT 2002

Monthly Greetings from Your Baron and Baroness,
    July was yet another busy month for the Barony.  At Flights of Fancy, 
Morfith was chosen as our new baronial archery champion.  July 7th 
Picnic/Authorizations in the Park was another HUGE success for the Barony. 
 90 people were in attendance & 15 new fighters were authorized.  Heavy 
fighters traveled to Assessments showing the might of the Ponte Alto tabard 
on the field.  Erik, our baronial heavy weapons champion, traveled to the 
Kingdom of AEthelmearc / Barony of Sylvan Glen and won their Defenders of 
Sylvan Glen/Weekend of Tournament Tourney.  July 20th we made merriment at  A 
Little Ponte Alto Hospitality event.  Members of the Board of Directors were 
bestowed beautiful gift baskets upon their arrival in Ponte Alto.  We would 
like to thank Lady Lucia, Master Tirloch, Mistress Anne, Lady Emma, Lady 
Rowan, Lord Kendrick, Courtney and Sarah for their help with the Board of 
Directors gift Baskets.  

    We journey to Pennsic in a few days. Fighters Breakfast is on Tuesday Aug 
13th at 9:00am before the Woods Battle.  Baronial Court/Open Encampment will 
commence on Friday Aug 16th at 5:30pm.  Open encampment will consist of a pot 
luck.  Please bring your Pennsic leftovers to share with all for the open 
encampment, this way you have more room for your Pennsic purchases for your 
travels home. So pass the word! Please stop the baronial encampment (N18) and 
visit with us, we would love to see you.  

In Service,
Thomas and Denise
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