[Ponte Alto] Monthly Greetings from Thomas and Denise

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Tue Jul 9 10:43:07 PDT 2002

Greetings to the Distinguished Populace of Ponte Alto, 
     June was such a busy and fruitful month for the Barony! Join us in 
extending a warm welcome to our newest baronial member, Reagan Meredith 
Smith, daughter to THL Sorcha de Glys and Lord Andrew Grey. The Barony gets 
extra points in cuteness for having her within our borders! 
    * June's Newcomers’ meetings and June's fighter practice/picnic were huge 
successes within the Barony this month. We thank all those who assisted us in 
those two Baronial projects that brought such an enhanced feeling of fun and 
community to our group. 
    * Many thanks to Master Kevin of Thornbury and THL Giuliana Salviati for 
sharing their expertise at June University. Your talents enrich us all. 
    * The Pennsic Gift Baskets Goblet Covers/Box Painting project is complete 
and delivered to the hands of Countess Mary Grace of Gatland. I would like to 
thank the following for assisting with the enormous Pennsic Gift Basket 
Commission: THL Giuliana Salviati, Lady Celia of Rosedale, Lady Lucia Antony 
Venus, Lady Shelby of Blakrose, Regina, Baroness Agnes Daunce, Lady Emma 
Grey, Cynwrig Chwith, Lady Renata von Hentzau and Lord Miles de Locwode. Our 
gift will do Atlantia proud when it is shared with all the other Kingdoms. 
    * The populace at Highland River Melees witnessed two excellent 
spectacles in the history of the Barony: Master Tirloch of Tallaght was 
inducted into the Order of the Pearl, and 5 heavy fighters bearing the new 
Baronial tabards graced the field as a fighting unit to honor us all. Thanks 
to Lady Giuliana Salviati, Lady Shelby of Blakrose and Lady Catriona inghean 
Ghiricc for their help in making the Baronial tabards. We are also bestowing 
campaign ribbons for those  heavy fighters who fight under the baronial 
colors and wear the baronial tabards and to those rapier fighters who wear 
the baronial favor and fight under the baronial colors at a war or an event 
in which the fighters fight as a unit. I would like to thank Lady Broicsech, 
Lady Aelfwynn and Lady Nostas'ia for answering our call for weavers. These 
fine ladies have said they would help the barony by making woven campaign 
ribbons for the fighters - proof, once again, that the fighting and arts and 
sciences communities are united! 
    * At Stierbach's Baronial Birthday,Edric of Scardeburg and Count Ragnarr 
Blackhammer won the heavy weapons tournament. The Barony was also gifted with 
one dozen arrows from our Cousins in Stierbach, and we are very grateful for 
such a lovely gift. 
    * One of the newest members of Atlantia's nobility, Lord Christopher 
Hare, hails from our lands. Lord Christopher was awarded his AoA at Return to 
Troy by TRM King Logan and Queen Isabel. Congratulations! 
     * At the Storvik Novice Tourney, Duncan and Issac made it to the final 
four of the heavy weapons novice tourney.  Meuric of Ponte Alto and Cassandra 
Arabella Giordano went deep in the rapier novice tourney.  While Allasan Ban 
Inghean Fhaolain won the A&S portion of the competition with her hand 
embroidery of her soon to be wedding dress.
     *  The Kingdom War Practice within the Barony of Storvik, fielded 10 
warriors from Ponte Alto. By the first weekend of July, we will have made 21 
tabards and distributed them all to fighters who have said they would like 
fight wearing the baronial colors.  The good news is we are still making more 
tabards. This upcoming Pennsic will also be Ponte Alto's first presence at 
the War with siege engines, headed by Lord Marcellus. Thanks again to 
everyone who participated.
    * We would like to thank Countess Kyneburh Boithuile for her gift of the 
wondrous pewter bridges.  These lovely works of arts are displayed on our 
Baronial favor.  If you do not already have one, please see Baroness Denise 
so that you too can display your Ponte Alto pride by wearing our Baronial 
    * Lastly, we express our gratitude to our Kingdom Chronicler, Mistress 
Gwendolen ferch Cadwaladr. Thanks to her efforts, the fighter practice/picnic 
on July 7th is now an official event. Thank you, Mistress Gwendolen! 

Yes, June was indeed exciting and prosperous for our beloved Barony. So much 
to be proud of, and that we are indeed! 

    In July, we get a little closer to the Great Pennsic War and it looks to 
be another eventful month for our Barony. Our Baronial Archery Champion will 
be chosen at Stierbach's event, Flights of Fancy, on Saturday, July 6th. 
Please contact us if you are interested in this most noble baronial position. 
We welcome and encourage everyone to come out and join us in garb for our 
Picnic/Fighter Practice Authorization in the Park on Sunday, July 7th. On 
July 12th, please come to "meet and greet" others in the Barony at the 
Newcomer's Meeting. We journey to visit our cousin of Black Diamond later in 
the month for Assessments. We travel to Assessment with our army and stand 
behind our King and Prince as Atlantia prepares for the upcoming War. July 
20th, we welcome the Society's Board of Directors by hosting a Revel in their 
honor. We hope that many of you will be able to attend as this promises to be 
a time of merriment and fun for all. 

In Service to our Beloved Barony and Kingdom, 
Baron Sir Thomas of Calais and Baroness Denise Duvalier 

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