[Ponte Alto] Fw: Online OP Updated

Jim Trigg blaise at heraldsnet.org
Wed Jan 23 13:01:42 PST 2002

----- Forwarded message from "Angela K. Pincha-Neel" <angela at ascc01.ascc.lucent.com> -----

To: Lots of Atlantian lists
From: "Angela K. Pincha-Neel" <angela at ascc01.ascc.lucent.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:07:33 -0500
Subject: [AtlantianHeralds] Online OP Updated

Greetings all from Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne, Atlantian Clerk of Precedence!

The On-line version of the OP has been updated and is now in place. Please take
a moment to peruse your entry and verify its correctness. You can find it at:

Did you recently receive your first Atlantian accolade? If so, PLEASE email me
with your modern name and the SCAdian name the award was given under, for my
cross referencing purposes only, not to be given to the public.

Did your NAME CHANGE? Or is it commonly misspelled? If so, PLEASE check to make
sure you do not have duplicate entries! If you do, please tell me.

This on-line version of the Atlantian Alphabetical Listing of Awards includes
all the Kingdom accolades bestowed upon the populace of Atlantia through
Midwinter's Night Revel Royal Court held by Their Royal Majesties Galmr and
Aryanna on the Twelfth day of January, XXXVI, 2k2. ALL Royal awards conferred to
date are there, as well as ALL changes requested as of 15 January 2k2. 

ALL the Baronial Court reports that I have received as of 15 Jan 2k2 are also
included in this version.

If a change/correction you sent prior to 15 Jan 2k2 is not reflected in this
version, I must not have received your email. I am sorry. Please send it again.

The next update will come out soon after the Coronation of Their Royal
Highnesses Logan and Isabel. If you wish a change/correction/Baronial Court
Report to be included in that version, please insure that you send it to me by
10 April 2k2. 

PLEASE put Royal and Baronial reports in the following format available at:

A follow up email with statistics on awards is forthcoming.

Enjoy all!

In Service to Crown and Kingdom,


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