[Ponte Alto] (Fwd) *Seneschal* Fall University 2002

Jessica Wilbur jessica at pop.net
Thu Jan 17 13:46:03 PST 2002

I recall that there was mention a few months ago of possibly 
putting in a bid for Fall University. Is anyone still interested in this? 
If so, we'll need to work up a bid as quickly as possible. Let me 
know if you need more information on what is required for a 
kingdom-level event bid.

Yours in Service,

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"Katherine Luvel" <katherineluvel at hotmail.com>
To:             	kingdom at windmastershill.org
Copies to:      	keep at windmastershill.org, university at atlantia.sca.org
Subject:        	*Seneschal* Fall University 2003
Date sent:      	Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:39:17 -0500
Send reply to:  	kingdom at windmastershill.org

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Please remind your groups that bids for Fall University are due by
February 15th. The preferred area is Central North Carolina. As yet I
have no bids. I'd be delighted to hear from persons with an interest
in autocratting this event.



Lady Katherine Luvel
Chatelaine, Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Keeper of the Windmasters' Hill Baronial Phonelist
Atlantian Seneschal's Deputy for Kingdom Level Event Bids
mka Marnie Garrity
1309 N. Duke St.
Durham, NC 27701

Upcoming Kingdom Event Bid Due Dates:
Fall University due by February 15, 2002 (Central NC preferred)
Fall Crown Tournament due by March 15, 2002
Unevent due by April 15, 2002

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