[Ponte Alto] Investiture Anouncement

THRID at aol.com THRID at aol.com
Wed Jan 16 10:58:32 PST 2002

Greetings unto the Good Gentles of Ponte Alto from Sir Thomas of Calais and 
Baroness Denise Duvalier. 

It is an honor to serve our rich Barony, and its populace has many arts of 
which to boast. On the 10th Anniversary of the Barony, I, Sir Thomas, would 
ask its people to consider the Arts of War –– Heavy Fighting, Rapier Combat, 
and Target and Combat Archery.  One of our stated personal goals for the 
Barony is to enrich and support the fighting community, and to raise an Army 
from our vast lands in support of Atlantia and Her Majesties. As the current 
Baronial Heavy Weapons Champion, I would especially ask the aid of my brother 
and sister fighters of Ponte Alto. 

The Rose Tourneys for Heavy Weapons and Rapier at our Investiture on February 
23rd are to be tests of not only prowess, but also chivalry, as one naturally 
supports the other. (We are sad that a display of the Archers' dexterity is 
precluded by site restrictions, but we pledge that you will have a later 
chance.) We will be pleased to select the Ponte Alto Rapier Champion at the 
Rose Tournament. We regret that changes to the event announcement are 
necessary and the Heavy Weapons Champion will not be decided at the Rose 
Tourney.  We have decided to delay our selection because we have received 
requests from many of our fighters who will be unable to fight at our 
Birthday event but still wish to compete for the position. Therefore, we will 
make our heavy fighter selection from those of our barony who participate in 
either the Rose Tourney or the Saint Paddy's day Blood Bath event on 
Saturday, March 23rd. We hope this change provides the opportunity for all of 
our Baronial fighters who wish to complete for the honor.  If you do have 
some questions, please feel free to contact us.  We look forward to our 
fighters having a chance to test their skills and might against the best this 
kingdom has as we prepare ourselves for both the upcoming tourney season and 
war. Our fair Barony shall undoubtedly prevail, with the Grace of the 
Almighty and the support of its proud populace. 

Your in Service,

Thomas of Calais                      Denise Duvalier

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