[Ponte Alto] Options for Award Structure Changes

Anne of Carthew acarthew at cox.net
Tue Dec 3 18:57:59 PST 2002

Well, I'll weigh in with an opinion.
I'm disappointed that the results didn't include one other possible option
(and, I guess this is a request to the committee that they consider):  If I
understand correctly, all the options beside the "no change" include adding
another level of award/order.

I'm not opposed to change. In fact, I'm somewhat in favor the something that
distinguishes between the fighting/service/arts.  Even though the garland
was intended to give equal value to all these disciplines, service has
clearly gotten the most attention, and some change may be warranted. I think
that Anastasia and Celia were the only two artisans I remember getting the
Garland simply for doing lotsa good A&S stuff - and not A&S in conjunction
with running local activities or officer stuff.

But I also believe in the "keep it simple" approach.  Adding more layers of
awards gives me a headache. (and, wait till we try coming up with names...!

Is there really a problem (or perception of problem) that awards aren't
given out quickly enough, so we need more?  Have you been writing letters to
the Baron and Baroness recommending people that have not gotten


-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Gary Halstead
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:24 PM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Options for Award Structure Changes

I'm on the Committee, but this is written as a private citizen (so it's
not "official").  The 4 options break down this way (awards are listed
from low to high for each option).

Option 1 (no change)

Option 2
New Award (aka Garland Jr.)

Option 3
Award of Excellence
3 new awards (Fighting, A&S, Service)

Option 4
Award of Excellence
3 new awards (Fighting, A&S, Service)
3 new orders (Fighting, A&S, Service)


Whether the new awards/orders are awards or orders is a detail that
still needs to be worked out.

The Tier structure was something we evolved to keep straight the
relative "rank" of the various pieces.  Feel free to ignore it if you
want to.

Currently, both the Bead and the Garland are in the gift of the Baron
and Baroness.  That's a fancy way of saying they can give them to
whomever they want to.  Eligibility for any new orders/awards is
something that should be considered, although I'm of the *personal*
opinion that restricting the Baron and Baroness would be a bad idea.

Cranky old Baron

Shannon Smith wrote:
> Greetings to the shining barony of Ponte Alto and most especially the
> committee!
>     I was surprised to see that there weren't a flood of replies to this
> important post!
> Upon further review, I can see that the options are a bit confusing.  I am
> having a bit of trouble sorting out the tiers, levels and who is eligible
> for what.  With this vocal group, I doubt the silence is because no one
> cares - we're just unsure of the options.
>     Personally, I'm hoping to understand the hard work the award committee
> has done so that I may make an informed decision on which option to
> Perhaps if the choices are made a bit clearer, there will be more
> on this important topic.  Can someone on the committee make an
> chart or something?
> Thanks again for all of your work on the barony's behalf,
> Sorcha de Glys

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