[Ponte Alto] Options for Award Structure Changes - a newbies perspective

ArtsofPalm at aol.com ArtsofPalm at aol.com
Thu Dec 5 11:14:58 PST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Greetings all.  It would probably have been better for me to just leave the
'in the know' group to hash this all out... but, in the spirit of
contributing a different perspective on the matter, I humbly submit my

As someone interested in the scribal arts, I pulled down and read what I
could find on the specificaitons for kingdom and baronial awards.  My first
impression was that, in contrast to the kingdom awards that are terribly
backlogged because of the time and investment required of a volunteer to
create one worthy of its recipeint, the baronial awards seemed too simple and
too limiting (IE: the bead and the garland).  It appearred to me to be a very
wide gap.

The proposed awards revision (options 3 and 4) bring a promise of greater
flexibility and creativity on the part of the award givers (their
Excellencies) and the award preparers, as well as an ability to more directly
design the award to the person receiving it.   I sort of agree with Corun
that too many of them might be a bit diluting... it would seem to this
neophite that an Award of Excellence could suffice for anything that would
come along, and the verbiage accompanying it could be for Service, A&S,
Fighting, heroism or whatever noble deeds are found worthy.

Finally, keeping an 'official' token such as a bead would also remain useful.
 This simple gesture could be presented with great elegance (e.g, in a hand
embroidered bag, or strung on a hand knotted silk rope), requires less
planning by their Excellencies, and would require less cajoling on their part
for someone to 'make' the award....

...anyway, don't slight the simple bead... I have spent as much as $100 on a
single one!

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