[Ponte Alto] Recuperation and Recovery

Courtney of Caer Dubh caerdubh at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 19 06:12:18 PDT 2002

Greetings to all!

While I know all of our thoughts go with whoever was
air-lifted out of Pennsic on Friday, I am happy to say
that it wasn't our very own Melisende (Melanie).  It
*might* have been had she not gone home Friday night,
at which time she (and the ER) decided that it was
time for emergency gall bladder removal surgery early
Saturday morning. 

However, I am very happy to announce that she is
already home (what amazing recuperative powers she
has!) and is doing very well.  We expect her to be
fully recovered in a week or two.

She can be contacted at melanie at ossuary.com if anyone
wants to know further details.



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