[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Gift Baskets

agnes daunce agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 5 12:20:27 PST 2002

Greetings your Excellency!
I won't be able to attend the newcommer's meeting, I'm not artsy
but I can certainly contribute supplies.  I will pick up the
boxes-how many are needed?.  I can also contirbute glass beads. 
I'll also check on the white lace dollies-how many do you need?

Your Faithful Servent,

Agnes Daunce
--- DCADENISE at aol.com wrote:
> Greetings unto the generous and gifted people of Ponte Alto,
> Her Highness, Isabel has asked that each Barony assemble
> Pennsic gift 
> baskets. For those unfamiliar with the gracious Pennsic
> custom, Their 
> Majesties from each Kingdom exchange gift baskets with Royals
> from all the 
> other Kingdoms. We have been given a wonderful opportunity to
> showcase the 
> creative people of Ponte Alto before the rest of the Knowne
> World. Our Royal 
> commission for the gift baskets is two Beaded Goblet Covers in
> a 
> presentation/storage box for each Kingdom.
> Fortunately, this project is perfect for gentles of all skill
> levels, 
> interests and ages. We envision our great Households and
> Guilds contributing 
> to our task. Individuals, children and families can make a
> number of fabric 
> circles or add beads to exsisting fabric circles or even creat
> a pair of 
> goblet covers from start to finish.
> *Artisians are needed to paint the arms of each Kingdom on the
> gift box
> *Someone to calligraphy gift cards to accompany each box, so
> that all may 
> know where the gift hailed  from (includes: Receiving
> Kingdom's name / Barony 
> of Ponte Alto within Kingdom of Atlantia) 
> * Needleworkers who have the skill can cross stitch or
> embroider on to the 
> doily/cloth cover, maybe in kingdom arms or some other
> decorative design
> * Many hands to attach the beads to the doilies / fabric
> covers that form the 
> base for the goblet covers
> If you cannot give your time to our mission, we would ask the
> populace for 
> donations of supplies. We will need:
> * Glass, crystal or ceramic beads (not plastic)- various
> sizes, shapes, 
> colors
> *  white fabric or lace doilies @ 4"-6" in diameter AND/OR
> serged white 
> fabric circles or squares AND/OR crocheted or knitted fabric
> circles 
> *  boxes to protect the goblet covers. The last thing we need
> is a broken 
> bottle of mead ruining one of our lovely creations. Walmart
> has boxes for 97 
> cents a piece. They have wooden ones measuring 3.25" X 3.25" X
> 2" and sturdy 
> paper boxes measuring 4.75" X 4.75" X 2.5". Both boxes are
> only 97 cents a 
> piece and are located in the crafts section of the store.
> Working together with our Baronial Artisan, Lady Lucia, we
> will showcase our 
> first Beaded Goblet Cover Workshop at the April Newcomer's
> Meeting on April 
> 12th at 7:30pm. The meeting is being held in our home, so I
> hope many of you 
> will join us to assist in our commission and welcome new
> friends into our 
> beloved Barony.
> Our home address is:
> 9220G Cardinal Forest Lane
> Lorton, VA 22079
> 703-643-1372
> Directions:
> * From I95 : Take exit 163/ VA-642 / Lorton Road. Turn Right
> Onto Lorton 
> Road. Take Right onto Silverbrook Road. Take a Left onto
> Bluebird Way. Turn 
> Right onto Cardinal Forest Lane. Park in any unmarked parking
> space. Building 
> 9220 / Unit #G
> * From Fairfax County Parkway : Take VA-636 Hooes Road South.
> Turn Left onto 
> Silverbrook. Turn Right onto Bluebird way. Turn Right onto
> Cardinal Forest 
> Lane. Park in any unmarked parking space. Building 9220 / Unit
> #G
> Yours in Service, 
> Baroness Denise Duvalier

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