[Ponte Alto] fall university

Vikki Tuten vjtuten at starpower.net
Thu Sep 6 19:39:26 PDT 2001

friends, i am planning to attend fall university and have room in my car for 1 passenger if someone needs a ride. my (tentative) plans are to leave here sometime mid- to late-afternoon the day before (friday), drive as far as winston-salem, and get a room there for the night. according to the autocrat, that is 1 to 1-1/2 hours from boone and the campus, so (since my 1st class is at 11) i would leave w-s by 9am saturday, and arrive in time for a day of classes. (if you want to attend an earlier class we could get on the road by 8: no problem!) i do NOT plan to camp over or attend the post-university revel. instead, will probably head west to i-81, then go north for a while. probably overnight in roanoke/salem. (there is a nice (and fairly cheap) comfort inn in salem that i stayed at while driving cross country in jan '99 when i moved here.) from there it is only about 4 hours back to the dc area as i recall. or, if the weather is nice and we want to take the time, we could get off the interstate and take the skyline drive for part of the way up. let me know if you would like to ride along.


     -----Nullum Gratuitum Prandium!-----
(or, 'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!')
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