[Ponte Alto] Newcomers' Meeting - follow-up

R. Trigg fyrebyrd at scadian.net
Mon Oct 8 18:45:19 PDT 2001

Since I sent the e-mail about the meeting last night, I have realized that 
Friday the 19th will be the better night for me. This Friday, I have 
classes from 8 AM until 6 PM; given that this is the final week of classes, 
which entails both written and practical finals, I will also be very tired. 
There is the additional fact that Kingdom Crusades is this weekend.

Therefore, I will be holding the meeting on the 19th, location TBA. 

In service,

Lady Nostas'ia Stepanova
Chatelaine, Barony of Ponte Alto
(mka Rachel Trigg; Alexandria, VA)
fyrebyrd at scadian.net
703-370-0229 (NLT 10 p.m.)

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