[Ponte Alto] Newcomers' Meeting - request for location

R. Trigg fyrebyrd at scadian.net
Mon Oct 8 18:37:18 PDT 2001

AbelSussman at aol.com said in Re: [Ponte Alto] Newcomers' Meeting - request 
for location at 08/Oct/01Mon 09:46:

> Greetings all,
> Isn't this weekend Kingdom Crusades? Would the newbies not be going to 
> campsite. Perhaps the newbie meeting should be at the event to tell them 
> what is going on and suggest some activities to try at the event.

Unfortunately, I was not planning on being at Kingdom Crusades. I'm also 
not sure how many newcomers would be at this event - a lot of people like 
to come to meetings or local activities first before jumping into an event. 
If there is going to be a large contigent of newcomers at the event, please 
let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

In service,

Lady Nostas'ia Stepanova
Chatelaine, Barony of Ponte Alto
(mka Rachel Trigg; Alexandria, VA)
fyrebyrd at scadian.net
703-370-0229 (NLT 10 p.m.)

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