[Ponte Alto] Request for Pennsic Guards

Marsha Goodell mgoodell at gmu.edu
Fri Jul 27 13:12:11 PDT 2001

Unto the assembled populace of our truely fine Barony of Ponte Alto on
this 27th day of April anno societatis XXXVI being the 2001st year of
the common era, greetings.

For this past year and a half we have held Ponte Alto in fief through
the will and good graces of TRM of Atlantia, with the approval of the
populace of our Barony.

We have recieved word from Their August Royal Majesties, King Havordh
and Queen Mary-Grace, that we are called upon in partial fulfillment of
our baronial fielty and obligations at this time of great conflict to
provide the Atlantian Royal Encampment at Pennsic with guards for one
day, or part of a day, during the hours of 4 pm to 11 pm beginning with
The 12th day of August (the exception to this is that guards are not
needed for Monday the 13th, since this day is bieng covered by the
Barony of Lochmere).

We welcome anyone to serve as a guard.  In the past ladies with frying
pans have worked just as well as fighters with longswords, fencers or
archers.  The primary role for the guards is to help direct visitors and
keep the populace informed of availability of the Royal presence. It is
requested that guards be armed and well versed in the weapon they bear.
Royal tabards will be provided at Royal.

If you are interested in serving as a guard for Ponte Alto, please let
us know.  Also, please let us know which day would preferable to you
(which really means send the information to the baroness -
mgoodell at gmu.edu).  As soon as we feel we can adequetely provide guards
for a day or a signifacant portion of a day we will send our requested
day to the agents of TRM.

Watch this space for future announcements in regards to upcoming Pennsic
announcements of interest to Ponte Alto.  Please share this information
with others in the Barony who do not subscribe to this list.

Donald et Winifred
Third Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto

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