[Ponte Alto] [Fwd: [P_info] Rumor control of 14,000 campers]

Tom Bilodeau tirloch at cox.rr.com
Thu Jul 26 05:39:46 PDT 2001

Tamara Griggs wrote:

> ========================================================================
> |                     Pennsic Information Channel                      |
> ========================================================================
> >From Anna:
> There is a rumor going around that the Pennsic Land Office is going to force
> 14,000 people to fit into camping space at Pennsic.
> Well, it is just a rumor, and no one should listen to rumors.  Here are the
> facts.
> We have over 22% more people pre-registered than last year and 50% more
> groups this year than last year.
> We do believe that we will get somewhere in the neighborhood of 14,000
> attendees this year, since Pennsic 30 is a nice round number and 14,000
> would be consistent with the pre-registration percentage and the walk on
> percentages for years past.
> As to The Land Office fitting them all in, THERE IS ENOUGH SPACE.  It is
> just not where most people want to camp.
> The top of Mount Eislinn is nearly empty, and there is over 80,000 square
> feet open in N23 and N29 each.  There is enough camping space for over 1,000
> people alone in those 6 blocks.
> Yes, some of the blocks in central Pennsic are pretty tightly squeezed for
> space forcing some of those groups to sacrifice some of their allotments.
> The only available alternative is for someone in that block to move out to
> that available space.  We made those decisions for the obvious cases of to
> many people to fit into the block safely.  The measurements of the blocks
> ,however, are conservative by design.  It is hoped that the groups in these
> blocks will either come to a reasonable decision about how to divide up the
> resources of the block between themselves safely or decide among themselves
> who should move out to the available land.  The fact is if you invite your
> 50 friends to camp with you odds are good you will not fit in a block the
> size of a postage stamp anymore.  Keep in mind, that any group, assigned to
> any block at Pennsic may choose to move either now, or during Land Grab.
> This is part of what Land Grab is all about.  All of the groups assigned to
> a block may decide before Pennsic that they will fit, and get to Pennsic and
> find that they do not.  A hill may be steeper than you remembered, or a road
> may have been changed just enough to make the plan not work.  The Land Staff
> can tell a group now, and during Land Grab, just what space is still
> available.  Every group has the option of moving if they do not want to
> squeeze in.
> The Pennsic Staff and the Coopers have been working hard for months, and we
> have should have adequate facilities and certainly space for everyone at the
> campground.
>                        In Service to the Society,
>                              Anna
> Baroness Anna of the Western Hill
> Pennsic XXX Landocrat
> ========================================================================
> This message was posted to the Pennsic 30 Information Channel by:
> "Tamara Griggs" <tfirenze at ix.netcom.com>

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