[Ponte Alto] RE: 20 year site contract

Gatlin, Nancy-Ellen negatlin at feddata.com
Mon Feb 26 14:06:40 PST 2001

YEAH MISTRESS ANNE!! You are the BEST!!! Sorry for all the head aches!!
Thanks for taking on this task.  Thanks to you all!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Bilodeau [mailto:acarthew at cox.rr.com]
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 4:58 PM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org; princess at atlantia.sca.org;
prince at atlantia.sca.org; Steinfeld, Hank S; Elaine Koogler
Subject: 20 year site contract

20 year site contract: we have one, finally.

Donald, Tirloch, and I went down to DC in person today to meet with the
MetroPolice Boys&Girls club staff, and it was indeed a challenge.  They
were clearly inclined to not rent the site to us at all anymore, despite
original verbal agreements.  Happily, we managed turning this around.
We gave up some things, but the bottom line is that we got a contract
signed and the deposits paid and the event will go on at Camp Brown as

More details to follow after I catch up with having missed work all

Best wishes,
Anne, who will sleep much better tonight.

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