[Ponte Alto] Demo Announcement and Call to Service!

Shannon Smith shannonrsmith at worldnet.att.net
Tue Feb 6 08:52:05 PST 2001

Greetings, members of this august and rightly proud barony!

Once again, the spring is nearing and with the raising of the crocus comes
the Middle Ages section in Social Studies classes all over the Barony's
school system.  Thus far, the first demo of the new season is scheduled for
Wednesday, March 28th in the afternoon (time tba) for the 5th Grade at
Sunwood Elementary (next to Dunn Loring Metro on Gallows Road.)

If you are able to join us for this day of medieval education and merriment,
please reply as soon as you can.  With your reply, please include those
areas of the Middle Ages that you would be willing to "show off" during the
demo.  If you don't want to talk during the demo, that's fine too - we never
have a shortage of talkers and there is always a need for garbed people to
help pass things around or to stand as models for explanations!

The teacher was quite excited and even overwhelmed when I gave her the short
list of topics we are able to cover in an average demo.  She was thrilled at
the prospect of fighters demonstarting their armor and art for her students.
If you are a fighter, consider this a calling!

Ponte Alto, thank you for your support.

For the "education" in "non-profit, educational organization,"
Sorcha de Glys

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