[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Newcomer Meeting

R. Trigg fyrebyrd at scadian.net
Mon Feb 26 11:40:56 PST 2001

To the populace of Ponte Alto does Lady Nostas'ia send warm greetings.

The March newcomer's meeting will be held Friday, March 9, starting at 7:30 
p.m. at the home of Baron Corun MacAnndra and Mistress Allasondrea (Craig 
and Susan Lee-Allen) in Annandale. The topic of discussion will be baronial 
and kingdom awards, but all questions are welcomed. 


>From 495 get off on the Little River Turnpike (236) west. At the first 
traffic light from the Beltway get into the right turn lane but Do Not turn 
right. Instead, go through the light and immediately turn right onto King 
Arthur Rd. You will see crenellate white brick walls with the word Camelot 
printed on each one flanking this street. We are the sixth house down on 
the right at 4001. Phone 703-876-6755 for other directions.<

In service,

Lady Nostas'ia Stepanova
Chatelaine, Barony of Ponte Alto
(mka Rachel Trigg; Alexandria, VA)
fyrebyrd at scadian.net
703-941-6162 (NLT 10 p.m.)

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