[Ponte Alto] Alle Psallite

Jessica Wilbur jessica at pop.net
Thu Aug 30 14:01:25 PDT 2001


Much as I would like to sing again, my schedule is full enough that 
I don't think I'd be able to make it on a weekly basis. But I'm really 
glad to see that Alle Psallite is starting up again! I hope a fresh 
start will keep things going.


On 29 Aug 01, at 21:24, Barbara Bilodeau wrote:

> Hello,
> This message is addressed to anyone who is ever interested in singing
> medieval and renaissance choral works.  If that's not you, you can
> delete this email now!
> Ok, for those of you who are still here:
> Alle Psallite is the name of an SCA choral group which is centered
> roughly in the Barony of Ponte Alto.  We sang together for several
> years, but last year due to some inconsistent attendance (and possibly
> my own temporary burn-out) we put it on sabbatical. 
> Well, a year has gone by, and I've heard a few people asking about it.
> Cool.  I would be delighted to get this restarted.  I love singing
> ren. choral works!
> BUT we really need commitments for people to be at practices.  If you
> want to sing, plan to make the commitment. Rehearsing three sopranos
> and a tenor on one week, and a bass, a soprano, and an alto the next
> won't get us to a place where we'll have music ready to perform. So
> please don't participate only if there isn't anything better to do
> that night. We need to have a core group that is at most rehearsals,
> so we can count on learning some music and starting to perform again. 
> Life does happen, but I would hope that that is occasional - and not
> for many weeks at a time.
> So, getting off the soap box, here's the survey:
> - Do you want to come sing again and plan to participate at
> rehearsals? - Is Monday night still a good choice?  What other night
> would work better? (any night is good for me except Tuesdays when Harp
> and Drum practices) - Can you handle rehearsing weekly? (every other
> week is not enough to keep the vocal chords in shape, I think.  We
> also forget too much in the interim.) - When shall we start? (I'm
> thinking we wait towards the mid to end of September, so perhaps we
> can get past more of the gardening season....)
> If we only have a soprano trio...no sweat: I can find music for a
> soprano trio!  I'll arrange music as necessary!
> I look forward to HEARING you!
> Best wishes,
> Anne.
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