[MR] Looking for assistance with the Crown Tourney Shield Tree Shields

Seneschal Atlantia seneschal at officer.atlantia.sca.org
Sun Sep 8 11:12:56 PDT 2024

Looking for assistance with the Crown Tourney Shield Tree Shields

Atlantia is in need of someone to step up and take charge of the shields
that are displayed on the Shield Tree at all Crown Tourneys.

Mistress Avice has been painting the trees and making sure we had all of
the ones we need for Crown Tourneys for many years now, but she is due for
a much needed break.

So I am seeking someone who will take over from her.  The duties of this
position are:

Keep and maintain the existing shields for the tree

Replace any shields that are damaged or unusable

Check the list of combatants in Crown Tourney and verify that we have
painted shields with the arms of the combatant (or their consort, or
whichever device they will be fighting under)

Paint up any shields that we do not already have for combatants
participating in Crown Tourney

Ensure that the shields get to Crown Tourney in time, either personally
transporting them or getting someone to take them for you.

You do NOT have the attend Crown Tourney.

If you are interested in this position, please send me a Letter of Interest
at seneschal {at} officer.atlantia.sca.org by September 30, 2024.

If you have additional questions regarding this position, please reach out
to Mistress Avice or myself.

Kingdom Seneschal
Maistir Cian
Craig Dooley
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
(803) 386-1138 NLT 10 pm

*"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much
more than you can by talk."*
*Lord Robert Baden-Powell*

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