[MR] Officer of State position opening - Maryland Regional Seneschal

Seneschal Atlantia seneschal at officer.atlantia.sca.org
Sun Sep 8 11:00:51 PDT 2024

As mentioned in court at Pennsic last month, Mistress Avice is stepping
down from her position as the Maryland Regional Seneschal after many years
of great service to the Kingdom.

Therefore, this is a call for people interested in the position to apply.

The Regional Seneschals are responsible for their areas of the Kingdom, and
are the first contact beyond the local branch seneschal for any questions,
concerns, or issues.  Regional Seneschals are also responsible for running
any Baronial Pollings that are needed.

Regional Seneschals are Officers of State, reporting to the Kingdom

Per Kingdom Law, Section 4.5, Duties and Responsibilities of Officers of

The Officers of State shall:

                        Advise their Great Officer of State on matters
pertaining to their office.

                        Submit such reports as are required by their Great
Officer of State and the laws of the Kingdom.

                        Attend Curia Regis.

Attend Unevent and host any meetings as required by their Great Officer of

Supervise and coordinate the actions of their office, and, when applicable,
their branch officers.

Perform additional duties and responsibilities as defined by their Great
Officer of State to whom each report.

Specifically for Regional Seneschals

Serve as a resource to the branch seneschals in their region, providing
guidance as necessary.

Coordinate and manage baronial pollings, working directly with the branch
seneschal and sitting royalty.

If necessary, step in to temporarily fill a branch seneschal position if an
emergency deputy is not available.

Propose changes to policy and procedure to the Kingdom Seneschal.

Remain current on Atlantia Policy and Law.

Review quarterly reports and take action if necessary.

If you are interested in this position, please send a Letter of Interest to
Their Royal Highnesses ( trh {at} Atlantia.sca.org ) and the Kingdom
Seneschal ( seneschal {at} officer.atlantia.sca.org ) no later than
Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

Please note, after October 5, 2024, please use trm {at} Atlantia.sca.org
instead of trh {at} Atlantia.sca.org .

If you have any questions about the position, please reach out to Mistress
Avice or myself, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Also, it is not a requirement to reside in the state of Maryland in order
to be the Maryland Regional Seneschal.
Maistir Cian
Craig Dooley
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
(803) 386-1138 NLT 10 pm

*"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much
more than you can by talk."*
*Lord Robert Baden-Powell*

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