[MR] Share your A&S achievements!

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 16:30:33 PDT 2024

Hail Fair Atlantia!

Time draws near for the deadline for my quarterly Kingdom MOAS report to be
sent up to SCA Inc, and I would love to hear any last minute news about
cool A&S activities you have seen!  This report is one way we have of
celebrating the great A&S achievements in our kingdom, and we always face a
challenge documenting all the great A&S Atlantians are doing. So, if you
saw something wonderful in the A&S realm at Pennsic, your local events, or
in your own home, please use this form to report on what you’ve seen:

This form is a supplement to the great efforts of our local MOASs, so
please also keep sending your local MOAS information on the A&S activities
you see from others and produce yourself.

Thank you for sharing !!!

Sincerely yours,

Dame Sophia the Orange, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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