[MR] Update on Elchenburg Showers

Seneschal Atlantia seneschal at officer.atlantia.sca.org
Fri Oct 4 05:32:02 PDT 2024

Good evening, Atlantia.

As we prepare for Coronation this weekend, followed by War of the Weeks
shortly after, I wanted to take a moment and address the issue of showers
at the Elchenburg Castle site.

There has been a lot of concern about them since the tragic incident that
occurred last month that resulted in the loss of Baron Dressell of Seven

Immediately after that weekend, the site owners of Elchenburg Castle
reached out to me with plans for modifying the showers on site.  They have
been very open about what they planned to do and have been updating me
regularly so that I can keep Society aware of what’s happening.

In the time since, the site owners have had meetings with the Fire Marshal
and the County Inspector.  They also consulted with licensed plumbers and
electricians, and have made the following changes:

The shed showers, located near Vingulf, no longer use propane.  They have
been hooked into electric hot water heaters, and the water is sent to the
sheds with sufficient pressure that all showers can run at once with good
pressure.  There is no more propane used with those showers.

The wood showers down in the ravine have had the propane tanks and propane
heaters moved outside of the shower itself, and the propane tanks are being
secured in place.

These changes met with approval from the Fire Marshal and the County
inspector, the proper permits were obtained, and following the completion
of the work by licensed contractors, the County Inspector signed off on the
plumbing and the electrical as being properly done and up to code.

If you have further questions about the showers, I ask that you reach out
to the site owners of Elchenberg themselves, as they will be able to
provide more detail.

Society has stated that with these changes and subsequent inspections, the
showers are usable at this site by the SCA.

Kingdom Seneschal
Maistir Cian
Craig Dooley
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
(803) 386-1138 NLT 10 pm

*"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much
more than you can by talk."*
*Lord Robert Baden-Powell*

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