[MR] The Kingdom of Atlantia is strong!

Seneschal Atlantia seneschal at officer.atlantia.sca.org
Tue Oct 1 16:25:17 PDT 2024

Unto the populace of the Kingdom of Atlantia, greetings.

September was a rough month for our Kingdom, particularly the last week.

The loss of 3 of our populace hit all of us very hard.  3 very good men,
who truly exemplified what it means to be an Atlantian, and 3 men whom I
have always looked up to and enjoyed their friendship.

Then Hurricane Helene came in at the end of the week and causing
devastation to the Kingdom and its people.

Yet through all of the loss, the one thing that stood out to me was the
strength of the people of this Kingdom.

I saw Atlantians coming together to remember our fallen friends.  I saw
donations being set up to support their families.  I saw people determined
to continue to legacy of Sir Roland and his Cat rescue.

When the hurricane hit, I saw the autocrats of the 3 events planned for
this last weekend make the tough call to cancel the event, out of concern
for the safety of others.  I’ve planned and run events, and I know how much
works goes into it.  Having to cancel it is one of the last things that any
event steward wants to do.  But they did it, because some things are more

I saw the Atlantia Emergency Disaster team spring into action, reaching out
to people and having a forum available where many Atlantians who had space
available offered their homes to anyone who needed to evacuate and relocate.

I have seen people checking on others, relaying messages, and making offers
of help and supplies.

This past month, despite the hardships that were dealt to us, I saw the
BEST of Atlantia.

You have all made me proud.

Atlantia is a strong Kingdom.  We take on the challenges that are laid
before us, whether on the martial field, or the A&S field, or the Hobby
field, or the real word.  We take on those challenges, and we hold our own
with pride.

No matter what gets thrown at us, we persevere.

The effects from Hurricane Helene are not over yet.  Many of our people,
particularly in the Barony of Hawkwood, are still fighting the damage and
devastation.  Continue to reach out and offer to help in any way you can.

We are the Kingdom of Atlantia.  We are strong.  We are a chosen family.

Thank you, for all that you are.

Kingdom Seneschal
Maistir Cian
Craig Dooley
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
(803) 386-1138 NLT 10 pm

*"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much
more than you can by talk."*
*Lord Robert Baden-Powell*

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