[MR] From the Vault: Saint Hubert’s Rangers

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Tue May 14 04:39:04 PDT 2024

Noble Friends,

Back in the vault today, and I wish to call your attention to Saint
Hubert's Rangers. This is a living history club (non-SCA) that aims to
preserve and practice medieval hunting skills and lore. Yes, they do real
hunting in garb using period weapons. Members are governed by a strict code
of hunting ethics, as set down by Saint Hubert himself in the 7th/8th

Hunting may not be to everyone's taste (certainly not mine, as I have been
a vegetarian for most of my adult life). That said, the hunt was an
important social event among the upper classes in medieval times, and was
also important training for knights. Learning about medieval hunting,
whether you choose to practice it or not, is part of our SCA world.

Let me note here that actual hunting in connection with an SCA activity is
strictly forbidden. There is no restriction that prevents members from
period hunting on their own or with another organization.

I also call your attention to the Rangers' costumes. They have very high
standards for authenticity, and applicants' costumes are/were judged by
their peers as an admission requirement. Do examine the photos. They may be
helpful for our own garb choices.

Full membership in the society closed several years ago at 100 members, and
there are presently no plans to reopen the membership rolls. However, a
handful of honorary members have been added under sponsorship by existing

Saint Hubert's website is at
https://sites.google.com/view/sthubertsrangers/home . There are a number of
articles by or about members in their "Miscellaneous" section. These
include articles on longbows and Viking archery.

Saint Hubert (or Hubertus) was a late 7th century Frankish nobleman. An
avid hunter, Hubert had a conversion experience during a hunt and opted for
a religious life. He became Bishop of Maastricht in 708, later moving his
seat to Liège. Hubert died in 727 or 728. As a saint, he is the patron of
hunters, forest workers, dogs and archers.

You can read about Saint Hubert at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubertus .

What may, or may not be, Saint Hubert's hunting horn is in the Wallace
Another horn said to have belonged to Hubert is kept in a monastery
in Europe. I have read of this horn and seen pictures (it was on the
Rangers' webpage ten or so years ago), but today I cannot find any mention
of the horn. It is, of course, possible that Hubert had more than one horn,
or while ancient, both might be spurious.

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆
Continuing a crusade to keep Merry Rose relevant and in business.

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