[MR] University of Atlantia was a blast this past weekend! Thanks for coming!

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 18:53:47 PDT 2024

Oh, Atlantia University, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!
Over 100 ways!  Over 100 classes were taught at Atlantia University this
past weekend, and the glory of our Fair Atlantia was again celebrated
throughout the known world! Visitors were seen from East Kingdom,
Aethlemearc, Northshield, Ealdormere, Calontir and more!

I've heard from many teachers that the online classes were attended by many
interkingdom students. Our officers taught many basic skills classes, The
"Officer 101" series, that were enjoyed by students throughout the SCA!

In person classes displayed a wide variety of Atlantia's skills including
"Viking and Celtic Battle Makeup", "Injury Prevention and Longevity for
Combat Sports", "Ethical Application of AI Tools for the Modern Scadian",
and a TON of archery classes for both combat and target archery!  Mountains
of thanks to the Barony of Bright Hills for hosting this event. The Event
Steward, Mia Mousetower, again demonstrated excellence in her management of
an event. Big yummy thanks to the Barony of Bright Hill Cook's Guild for
feeding us healthy and delicious soups and sandwiches for lunch.

Many thanks to the teachers who took time to organize their thoughts and
share their wisdom!
Many thanks to the students who took time to learn something new!

And mountains of love, gratitude, and appreciation to the STAFF that
creates the University of Atlantia!

The picture below is just a portion of the incredibly hard working staff of
the University:

Chancellor: Dame Deirdre O'Siodhachain (Terry Sheehan)
Deputy Chancellor: Father Ælfric Ecgeling (Matthew Eggleston)
Registrar: Mistress Elisabeth Macalester (Heather Bryden)
Deputy Registrar: Baroness Genevieve d'Aquitaine (Jennifer Thies)
TA Coordinator: Noble Thórvé Skáld Rikardsdottir (Tiffany Mellow)
Deputy TA Coordinator: Lord Snorri Halfdan (Blake Barnhurst)
Webminister: Mistress Drea di' Pellegrini (Drea Leed)
Deputy Webminister: Master Melchior zum grauen Wolf
External Communications Lead: Lady Christina O'Cleary (Jessica Baas-LaVinus)
Instructor Support Coordinator: Mistress Tegan de Moreton (Lora Franks)
Online Support Coordinator: Magnifica Beatrice Domenici della Campana
(Katherine Finegan)
Video Resources Coordinator: Lady Alessandra de Monteriggioni (Monica

This staff works year round to produce three events a year with no site
fee, online and in person options, and support for any and all SCAdians who
want to teach and learn! We are so lucky to have them!

Next session is September 21 & 22, and the class proposal time frame will
happen around Pennsic. So, teachers, please watch for announcements about
when those classes need to be submitted and plan to squeeze in your
proposals around Pennsic packing!

With mountains of gratitude,
Dame Sophia the Orange, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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