[MR] Fwd: A Brief Overview of the Order of Precedence and How it displays Awards that convey Arms and Augmentations

Atlantian Clerk of Precedence op at atlantia.sca.org
Sat Aug 10 17:18:10 PDT 2024

(Looks like the original email missive went POOF so here goes again)

Greetings unto the Populace of Atlantia does Dame Alexandria Wright send,

It has come to my attention that there are some questions about Orders of
Merit and Orders of High Merit and other awards that convey things with
them and how they are displayed on the OP.  I hope this makes it a little
more clear and transparent on how things are recorded.  If there are any
questions at all I am more than happy to answer them to the best of my
knowledge with an email sent to OP AT atlanta.sca.org  ( OP at atlantia.sca.org
).  Please note while I make mention of the stages of Achievement in the
awards listed below the OP ONLY displays the Emblazon (Picture) of your
Coat of Arms NOT your full achievement or mottos.

Orders of Merit convey with them Award of Arms, translating to your device
(coat of arms) being pictured on your scroll.  The OP will not display a
separate listing for an AoA if you are Awarded it with one of the following

Silver Osprey; Sea Dragon; King’s Missiliers; Coral Branch; Opal and
Quintain.  If you do not already have a bare AoA when awarded one of these
awards you are raised to the nobility and acquire the title of Lord, Lady,
Noble or equivalent there in.

The only exception to the title in an award that is bestowed that also
conveys in Award of Arms with it if you do not already have one is a Court
Baronage.  Some Kingdoms default conveying an Award of Arms as does
Atlantia, and other default to conveying a Grant of Arms.  However, if the
Crown chooses they may Grant the recipient Arms upon receipt of a Court
Baronage then and only then with the OP show as two separate awards as both
a Court Baronage (AoA) and as a Grant of Arms.  It should be noted to the
Clerk of Precedence and Court Secretary within the Court notes and Report
which the Crown intends.  This conveys the display of a Baronial Coronet
over your devices on a scroll but also allows the Baronage to register a
Baronial Coronet on their Coat of Arms.

The following Orders of High Merits convey a Grant of Arms, which means on
your scroll there will be a helm and mantling/veil applied to your coat of
arms.  Atlantia does not use the title of The Honorable Lord/Lady but other
Kingdoms do recognize this.  You will still acquire the title of Lord,
Lady, Noble or equivalent there in.

The Atlantian Orders of High Merit are as follows:

White Scarf, Sea Stag, Kraken, Yew Bow, Pearl, Golden Dolphin, Golden Lance
of Atlantia.

The reason the Orders of High Merit will read either for example: Golden
Dolphin (AoA) or Golden Dolphin (GoA) is for clerical purposes.  In April
of 2003 if you were still a resident within Atlantian borders your Golden
Dolphin was elevated to an order of High Merit, if you no longer lived
within the borders it remained as conveying an Award of Arms.  This case
scenario applies to the following:

Sea Stag, Kraken, Yew Bow, Pearl & Golden Dolphin as the White Scarf was
formerly l’Academie d’Espee and the Golden Lance of Atlantia was not in
existence at this time.

It should be noted that Peerages convey Patent of Arms which on scrolls
include your coat of arms, the helm and mantling if you were awarded them
prior specific supporters if not supporters of your choosing with the
exception of Spike as that is one that is reserved to be awarded by the
Crown, if you are a Court Baron than a Baronial Coronet as well as the
symbol of your Peerage, from Laurel Wreath, Collar, White Belt, Pelican in
her Piety or Cap of Maintenance. As these awards automatically convey the
Patent Atlantia’s OP does not list a separate Patent of Arms – UNLESS you
were awarded it in a Kingdom other than Atlantia in which they record them
separately, then it shows both the Peerage and the PoA.

The Following awards are Kingdom Awards that are awarded to Groups for
their efforts in the following:  Vexillum Atlantia (Combat Arts); Golden
Lamp (Arts and Science) and Golden Elephant (Service).  Per this past Curia
it has been written into Kingdom Law that these awards convey upon those
who receive them Augmentations of Arms.  So what does that mean exactly.
The Group award is listed under the Group Name for example:

Scribes of 2023 Fall Crown Invitations – 10/7/2023 – Atlantia Fall
Coronation (Dun Carraig) – Ragnarr VI and Mary Isabel I

However upon the individuals who received it on their personal OP listings
the following is listed:

10/7/2023 – Augmentation of Arms (Golden Lamp) (Atlantia) - Atlantia Fall
Coronation (Dun Carraig) – Ragnarr VI and Mary Isabel I

Not the Group Award as that is written into law it is a Group award and
should be recorded as such.

Now with each of the Above there are opportunities for Title upgrades so to
speak.  But say you do not wish to use the default title for the awards as
listed below.  I encourage you to take advantage of the following List of
Alternate Titles as recognized and recommended by the Society College of
Arms found here: https://heraldry.sca.org/titles.html  Are you limited to
these titles No but should you wish to use one that is not on this list a
copy of some form of documentation where the proposed title is in use in
period is HIGHLY recommended.

Orders of Merit and Orders of High Merit: Lord/Lady/Noble are the default
titles in the database.

Court Baronage: Baron/Baroness

Peerages: Sir/Master/Mistress are the default titles in the database

It is my hope that this helps clear up some confusion and allows for people
to keep those award recommendations coming to the Crown.  If you wish to
use a title other than that which is default for your award please send me
the Alternate Title you would like associated with your OP listing to OP AT
atlanta.sca.org  ( OP at atlantia.sca.org ).

In Service,

Dame Alexandria Wright, Finsterwald Herald
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Atlantian Clerk of Precedence <op at atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 8:15 PM
Subject: A Brief Overview of the Order of Precedence and How it displays
Awards that convey Arms and Augmentations
To: <Atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>

In Service,
Dame Alexandria Wright, Finsterwald Herald
Clerk of Precedence, Kingdom of Atlantia
op at atlantia.sca.org

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