[MR] Wikipedia: Death of St. Aidan

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 02:22:44 PDT 2023

Noble Friends,

Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne died on this date in 651 at Bamburgh,
Northumbria. Aidan is one of the most important figures in the
re-evangelization of Britain.

Born in Ireland, Aidan resided at the famous Iona monastery, where he
became friends with the Northumbrian king-in-exile Oswald. When Oswald
regained his throne in 634, he invited monks from Iona to evangelize his
people. After Bishop Cormán alienated the Northumbrians with his harsh
preaching, Aidan was invited to try a gentler approach. As a bishop, Aidan
founded the famous monastery of Lindisfarne, which became the base for his
Northumbrian mission.

Aidan was buried in the monastic church at Lindisfarne. Later some of what
were claimed to be his relics appeared at Glastonbury, which was always
desperate to host a pilgrimage cult. Today at least some of his remains are
entombed in St. Aidan's Church, Bamburgh.

According to legend, while tending his sheep on this day the future Saint
Cuthbert had a vision of Aidan ascending to Heaven tended by angels.
Cuthbert was inspired by the vision to enter holy life at Melrose Abbey,
and later became abbot of Lindisfarne and Bishop of Northumbria.

More about Saint Aidan is at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aidan_of_Lindisfarne .

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆
Continuing a quest to keep Merry Rose relevant.

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