[MR] BBC: Who Was Christopher Columbus?

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 04:38:49 PDT 2020

Noble Friends,

It's a world of revisionist history out there. Old historical "truths" are
regularly being challenged, and frequently found wanting.

For five centuries we've been told that Christopher Columbus, a Genoese
seaman, "discovered America" (ignoring earlier exploration and even
settlement by Vikings, long after the evidence was plain to see). Now other
"facts" about Columbus are being re-examined and much has been found to be
dodgy history at best.

So now a Portugese historian and author Fernando Branco is making the case
that Columbus wasn't Italian at all, but was from a powerful Portugese
noble family, the Ataídes. He claims there are over 60 points of
convergence between a Portugese sea captain named Pedro Ataídes and
Columbus. Well maybe. It is an interesting idea. We will have to wait a bit
longer for proof though. Remains from a contemporary member of the Ataídes
family have recently had samples taken for DNA analysis. Similar analysis
is already being performed on Columbus' remains, and should be fully
sequenced by 2021. A comparison could upset established history, much to
the discomfiture of Genoa which until now has had the major claim on

You can see BBC's video at

Perhaps not surprising, there is a flourishing industry of claiming
Columbus was not Italian, or even Portugese. See
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_theories_of_Christopher_Columbus . As
a Scottish descendant, I found the notion that Columbus could be Scottish
to be both laughable, and a bit embarrassing. I didn't think we usually
no-nonsense Scots could be that flakey. It is at the bottom of the list of
possibilities though. At least nobody is claiming he was a space alien. Yet.

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆

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