[MR] Unevent Tracker

Webminister, Atlantia webminister at atlantia.sca.org
Mon Dec 7 16:05:39 PST 2020

Who is a big ol' data nerd? This guy is a big ol' data nerd.

Please consider registering your attendance to virtual sessions at unevent
last weekend. This data gives us a great deal of insight into what worked,
what didn't, and where to improve. Thank you to all of the hosts, the TAs,
and participants.

Here is a link to the Google Form:

Yours in Service, Ciphers, & Stabbings,

Lord Melchior zum grauen Wolf
Webminister, Atlantia

   - webminister at atlantia.sca.org (to reach me directly)
   - webteam at atlantia.sca.org (to reach the whole team)
   - http://web.atlantia.sca.org/ticket.php (to report something broken or
   out of date)

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