[MR] History Blog: Spur Points to Grave of Burgundian Noble

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 02:52:53 PST 2020

Noble Friends,

I try never to miss posting something new about Burgundy and its
glitterati. Thanks to the History Blog, today I hit the jackpot.

Today's History Blog entry describes the discovery of a spur thought to
have been buried with Nicholas Rolin, Chancellor to Duke of Burgundy Philip
the Good in the 15th century.

Nicholas Rolin was of humble birth, but rose to be among the most capable
and powerful officers in Philip the Good's court. Upon his death in 1462,
Rolin was buried in the small church of Notre-Dame-du-Châtel in Autun. The
church was destroyed during the French Revolution and its tombs were
pillaged. Recent salvage excavations discovered a spur among a mass
reburial of eight skulls. At his request, Rolin was buried with his weapons
and his spurs. Whether this spur is one of Rolin's, and whether his bean is
among those eight skulls, remains to be determined.

The History Blog story is at http://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/60182 .

Included in the History Blog story is a painting from Philip the Bold's
court by Rogier van der Weyden, Burgundian Court Painter (
Philip the Bold, in black and with his weak chin, is obvious. Behind him in
blue is Nicholas Rolin. At Philip's left hand is his only surviving
legitimate son and heir, Charles the Bold. Not clearly identified is the
man in the green gown on the right side of the painting. This is possibly
Anthony of Burgundy (aka "The Bastard of Burgundy"), who would later serve
Charles as Chancellor and was considered the finest jouster in continental
Europe. The other men between Charles and Anthony are members of the Order
of the Golden Fleece (note their gold neck chains), which Philip, Charles
and Anthony also wear. Also notice the really bad haircuts. Van der Weyden
has made most of the nobles to look taller and more regal by elongating
their bodies and squeezing their waists -- his typical artistic
flattery, which is why the painter kept his job.

A Wikipedia page has a summary of Rolin's life:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Rolin .

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆

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