[MR] Postponement of Hawkwood Baronial Birthday XV - An Investiture

Catherine King adairaingheanmakyswell at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 10:19:39 PDT 2020

Good Afternoon Merry Rose,

*We wish to post the following on the Merry Rose:*

Good Afternoon to their Royal Majesties and the incredible populace of
Atlantia.  I, Adair of Makyswell send you greetings and salutations.

As we had originally posted that the Hawkwood Baronial Birthday, XV - An
Investiture is postponed, we wish to provide current information as we work
with the Site Venue.  As this is a Investiture - this event is not
cancelled.  It is being re-scheduled.  So all aspects of this event will
maintain on target until as we say our Farewells and recognized the
accomplishments of our current Baron and Baroness and then welcome our new
Baron and Baroness as they so deserve.

Have no fear - The Barony of Hawkwood will still present an wondrous event
for all to enjoy. As soon as Haywood County and our surrounding areas open
for us to re-schedule, it shall be so.

In your service to the Barony of Hawkwood and the Kingdom of Atlantia,

HL Adair of Makyswell
*Catherine King*
*HLady Adair of Makyswell*
*Kingdom of Atlantia - Barony of Hawkwood- Incipient Canton of Stormwall*
*Kingdom WNC Regional Exchequer*
*Kingdom Maryland Regional Exchequer*
*Kingdom Deputy College of Heralds Exchequer*
*Incipient Canton of Stormwall Exchequer  *
*Just an Atlantian Artisan making the Kingdom beautiful!*

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